I wanted to share our story of how we adopted our lovely boy Standard Poodle, Bear. We have a 1/2 lab, 1/2 Standard Poodle, Basie. My husband says that everything he loves about her comes from her "poodle side" and that half is the "perfect dog!" Our journey to find Basie a friend, and additional family member, ended at NCPR. We had submitted our application and I checked the website religiously until I saw three beautiful black standards featured. I spoke to Sue and she thought Bear would be a great match for our 2 little girls and our "big girl" Basie. Bear was very timid about being in a house and loud noises. He was especially fearful of men, much to my husband's chagrin, since this was going to be "his" perfect dog. However, much to our delight, Bear quickly fell in love with my husband, our children and Basie. Basie and Bear have WWDF (World Wide Dog Federation) wrestling matches on a daily basis. Basie is gracious and lets Bear win sometimes. We love our sweet Bear and he is such a happy guy and is thrilled with all the hiking, love and attention that comes his way. He has never shown an ounce of aggression toward anyone. Although his life wasn't too happy before us, he has blossomed in the 6 months we've had him. Everywhere we go people can not believe he was a rescue. He is just too beautiful they say, who would have given him up?? Well I can tell you we are glad they did and that now he has the life he deserves!
Misty, Greg, Sienna, Imara
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